A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

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Implementation of Nursing Development Support Strategy: Huddle CardExperience


Specialized oncology care requires specifi c knowledge and skills. The educational and developmental process of expert teams is a challenge, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Educational actions enable the implementation of evidence-based learning tools, enhance team competencies, and improve patient care Pocket Cards are among the quick learning instruments that can be explored in nursing practice


To report the nursing team's experience in conducting anEBP (Evidence-Based Practice) project stemming from a practice probleminvolving the ongoing education of t
he nursing staff


The JohnsHopkins model was used to conduct the EBP project. A literature searchwas conducted based on the following question: "For the education ofnurses in oncology units, is the use of Pocket Cards compared to otherteaching-learning strategies effective in team knowledge acquisition?" Thereview results were evaluated, and recommendations were made


A total of 50 Studies on Pocket Cards were evaluated, and a total of 10 Studies formed the basis for the recommendation. Through literatureanalysis, the team gained access to the Oncology Nursing Society's (ONS)Huddle Card Library, which met the specifi c content needs of a Pocket Cardin the specialty. The fi nal recommendation involved the implementation ofPocket Cards in inpatient and outpatient patient care points. To defi ne thetopics, a prioritization survey was conducted with nursing leadership. Alltopics from the ONS library were made available for review, and the most voted ones were: chemotherapy, fertility preservation, immunotherapy, radiation, sepsis, sexuality, and late effects of oncological treatment. A free translation of the text from English to Portuguese (Brazil) was made for theCards provided by the ONS. After translation, they were organized into aspecific template, ensuring compliance with ONS's copyright terms.


Huddle Card is an option for obtaining quick and practical knowledge in nursing routine. ONS's knowledge sharing through the publication of Cards is relevant to global nursing, especially in countrieswith scientifi c development challenges. Conducting EBP projects encourages nurses to Seek and incorporate the best available scientific evidence into bedside practice.

Palavras Chave

Oncology Nursing; Knowledge; Research nurse


3.Enfermagem Oncológica


Bianca Branco Scavazza, Lidiane Sodre da Costa, Elisa Rossi Conte, Tania Waisbeck