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Secondary Vermiform Appendix Cancer: an integrative literature review of case reports in half a decade 2019-2024 in the National Library of Medicine


Tumor metastases usually affect organs such as breasts, bones, stomach and lungs, but rarely, they can affect the vermiform appendix, a structure attached to the cecum that has an immunological function. Tumors in the appendix are often discovered accidentally during primary tumor resection surgeries. Understanding the mechanisms and origin of these metastases is crucial for the appropriate management of cancer patients and should be considered for treatment.


To evaluate the cases described in the literature in the PubMed/NIH (National Institutes of Health) database regarding Secondary Vermiform Appendix Neoplasms, regarding the most described primary etiology, sex of greatest occurrence and age range of patients.


This is an Integrative Literature Review, carried out in the PubMed/National Library of Medicine (NIH) database, in which the descriptors “Appendiceal Neoplasms”, “Neoplasm Metastasis” and “Case Report” were used, connected by the Boolean operator AND. The inclusion criteria were articles from 2019 to 2024, whose methodology was in the form of a case report and whose original writing language was in English or Portuguese. Articles that disregarded the inclusion criteria were excluded. The variables analyzed were: the primary neoplasm presented by the patient, their respective sex and age group. The data were organized in Excel tables for analysis.


Of the 11 articles analyzed, 7 discuss primary neoplasms originating from appendiceal mucinous neoplasms, while the remaining ones address primary neoplasms from renal pelvic mucinous neoplasms, ovarian neoplasms, breast neoplasms, and unspecified mucinous neoplasms. Only one study was included for analysis. For primary appendiceal mucinous neoplasms, the gender distribution shows 4 men and 4 women, with ages ranging from 17 to 70 years. Among men, there were 2 cases of 17 years old, 1 case of 59 years old, and another of 70 years old. For women, the cases were in the following age ranges: 48, 50, 68, and 70 years. In contrast, cases related to other primary neoplasms were observed exclusively in women, with ages between 49 and 77 years.


It is concluded that secondary appendiceal neoplasms, although rare, demonstrate a diversity of primary origins, particularly mucinous types. The equal distribution between genders in mucinous appendiceal neoplasms and the female predominance in metastases from other tumors, such as ovarian and breast, highlight the importance of considering the appendix as a potential site of metastasis. These findings emphasize the need for detailed clinical vigilance to improve management and early diagnosis.

Palavras Chave

Appendiceal Neoplasms; Neoplasm Metastasis; Case Report


7.Pesquisa básica/translacional


Jennifer Crispim Silva, Larissa Cristina Soares Barboza de Toledo, Beatriz Castro e Silva de Albergaria Barreto, Sólon Batista Nunes, Marina Vergara Thomazzoni, Themes Susana Andrade de Alencar, Karina Brandão Dantas