A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


Quality of sexual life of cisgender men from sexual minorities after prostate cancer treatment


Sexual functioning is an important component of health and predictor of quality of life. Prostate cancer treatments can negatively impact several areas of quality of life related to patients’ mental and physical health, and common side effects include sexual functioning and satisfaction. Most research on these effects has focused only on heterosexual men. Cisgender gay and bisexual men present specific challenges that represent a gap in the care of this population.


To discuss the needs and concerns faced by cisgender gay and bisexual men regarding sexual aspects after prostate cancer treatment and to identify potential differences from heterosexual men to encourage oncology healthcare professionals to address this population.


Literature review through the electronic database PubMed, conducted in August 2024, using descriptors such as “sexual minorities,” “LGBT,” and “prostate cancer.”


Ten articles were found addressing the sexuality of cisgender men from sexual minorities after prostate cancer treatment. Existing studies show that there are differences in sexual health outcomes between sexual minority and heterosexual men. Gay and bisexual men experience a range of negative sexual side effects as a result of prostate cancer treatment. Important aspects such as sexual identity, erectile dysfunction, receptive anal intercourse, which can become less pleasurable and even painful (anodyspareunia), and changes in ejaculation or leakage of urine during orgasm (climacturia) can also disproportionately affect cisgender gay and bisexual men. Additionally, emotional relationships may also be impacted, particularly for single men.


Healthcare professionals should understand key aspects of sexual health for gay and bisexual men and the impact of prostate cancer treatment on this population in order to provide appropriate support, promote rehabilitation, and avoid disparities in care.

Palavras Chave

sexual minorities; LGBT; Prostate cancer


8.Qualidade de vida e práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde (PICS)


Ana Lucia Paya Benito, Giovana Zaparoli de Oliveira, Fabiana Marthes Molli Caron, Anali Póvoas Orico Vilaça, Monezi Ricardo