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The implementation of bedside yoga at the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center


The use of yoga in cancer care has proved to be a valuable tool for improving the quality of life of cancer patients, offering physical, emotional and mental support during the various stages of treatment. Yoga, a practice that combines body postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayamas) and meditation, can be applied in an adapted way to help deal with the side effects of conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as promoting general well-being.


To report on the experience of implementation and offer of Bedside Yoga at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center as integrative care promoting quality of life and well-being for patients during hospitalization.


Communication and information actions were carried out to sensitize managers and multi-professional teams about yoga, as well as the recruitment and selection of certified teachers. A protocol was established lasting approximately 40 to 50 minutes, where integrative care with yoga must be formally indicated by the medical doctor responsible for the patient. The session should begin with a brief practice of centering and focus, with conscious, deep breathing (within the patient's limits), mental inventory of the body, thoughts and emotions, emphasizing in this first contact that the patient should feel “comfortable and stable”, seeking to work on the concept of “Ahimsa”, as the basis of care and self-care. Considering the patient's current situation, the teacher should work lightly on warming up with Pawanmuktasanas, simple sequences to release tension and promote stretching and relaxation, light Pranayamas and finishing with Savasana.


The first bedside yoga sessions were held at the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center on April 5, 2024. By the end of August, 89 sessions had been held, with positive evaluations from the patients and important feedback from the nursing staff, who reported that after taking part in Yoga, the patients reported better sleep quality, improved appetite and reduced pain; they were calmer and more relaxed. The family caregivers also described positive changes in the patients' behavior after practicing yoga. During the first month, it was noted that some patients, when offered care, said they were indisposed or tired for a 40-to-50-minutes practice. For these cases, the protocol included the offer of a short, guided relaxation practice (Savasana), lasting approximately 5-to-10 minutes, which was very well accepted. In September 2024, Bedside Yoga completes 6 months of implementation, with 4 teachers and an increase in interest and demand from patients during hospitalization.


Bedside yoga has demonstrated beneficial effects in the care of patients during hospitalization, as an integrative practice that complements medical treatments, bringing benefits to both body and mind. Its ability to promote physical, emotional and mental well-being makes it an important ally in the rehabilitation process, also encouraging a more humanized approach to cancer treatment.

Palavras Chave

Bedside yoga; Integrative Practices; Hospitalization


8.Qualidade de vida e práticas integrativas e complementares em saúde (PICS)


Ricardo Monezi, Cintia Lima Amorim, Marco Antonio Freitas Jr, Ana Lucia Silveira Franco, Antonio Eduardo Antonietto Jr