A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


In vitro evaluation of tumor resistance in soft tissue sarcomas using Bioverse® platform


Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are neoplasms that originate from mesenchymal cells. These tumors present a significant clinical challenge, especially in advanced and/or metastatic stages, where treatment options are limited and associated with high morbidity and mortality. The heterogeneity of STS subtypes, combined with the scarcity of effective therapies, hinder systemic treatment strategies. One of the key barriers to sarcoma treatment is the intrinsic resistance that tumor cells to conventional therapy. To overcome this issue, it is necessary to develop a functional assays that can accurately identify patient-specific resistance profiles, enabling more tailored and effective therapeutic approaches.


This project aims to verify whether the potential of the Bioverse® (Ziel Biosciences) test, functional assay to predict chemotherapy resistance in tumor cells derived from patients with STS. To this end, it also aims to standardize the protocol for establishing primary culture directly from surgical specimens.


Cryopreserved samples from patients with soft tissue sarcomas (STS) were used to establish primary cultures. After thawing, the tumor fragments were mechanically dissociated and enzymatically digested with collagenase. The cells were then cultured until they reached confluence and subsequently transferred to a Bioverse plate pre-coated with varying concentrations of the following chemotherapeutic agents: doxorubicin, docetaxel, paclitaxel, gemcitabine, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, and vincristine. Cells were plated at a density of 3 to 10 x 104 per well and incubated for 72 hours. Cell viability was assessed using the MTT colorimetric assay, followed by statistical analysis to evaluate the results..


Cryopreserved tumors samples from 53 patients with several STS subtypes were used to establish primary cultures. We successfully cultured 24 cases, achieving a 45% success rate, and these cultures were subjected to the Bioverse® assay. Among the 24 patients, 11 underwent neoadjuvant or adjuvant treatment, alowing the comparison between clinical outcomes and in vitro responses to chemotherapy. These results were assessed based on cell viability, categorizing the levels of resistence into high, intermediate and low.


Determining the efficiency of the test will complement current precision medicine strategies, enabling a more personalized approach to cancer treatment. By successfully predicting chemotherapy resistance, the Bioverse assay has the potential to improve treatment safety, minimize unnecessary toxicity, and ultimately improve the quality of life for oncology patients. If successful, this approach could become a useful tool in tailoring therapies to patients' individual resistance profiles, leading to more effective patient care.

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Palavras Chave

Sarcomas; Quimioterapia; resistência


7.Pesquisa básica/translacional


Ana Luiza Alvarenga, Ariane Cavalcante dos Santos Sousa, Camila Tokumoto Guimarães, Giovanna Maida, Martina Lichtenfels, Camila Alves Silva, Caroline Brunneto Farias, Tiago Góss Santos