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Developing Communication Skills in the Multiprofessional Oncology Residency: Communicating Bad News - An Experience Report.


The communication of bad news in oncology is a daily occurrence. Therefore, it is important that the professionals who deal with this clinical context are trained to communicate effectively. Tools such as SPIKES, EMPATHY, PACIENTE, among others, are used. During the multiprofessional residency in oncology nursing, residents work in the palliative care outpatient clinic and have the opportunity to learn about and improve the communication of bad news.


To describe the activities carried out by resident nurses in the palliative care outpatient clinic, with a focus on improving communication skills.


Experience report presented in narrative form, describing the experience of first-year oncology resident nurses during their activities at the palliative care outpatient clinic in 2023. The report covers attending medical and nursing appointments, as well as taking part in family meetings to communicate bad news and plan care, alongside a team of professionals made up of palliative care nurses and palliative care doctors.


In the palliative care outpatient clinic, nursing residents work with the palliative care nurse. The activities carried out include health education, welcoming, monitoring the appropriate use of medication, among others. The residents come into contact with the tools used in theoretical materials and classes, and can observe and apply them in practice during nursing and medical consultations and family meetings. During the internship, the importance of preparing and planning for the communication of news was highlighted, especially news that has a negative impact on the patient. Early planning on the topic to be addressed will make the conversation easier. It was possible to understand that creating an early bond with the patient and their family helps in the communication process, as well as fostering the acceptance of emotions. We observed that retrospective images, such as timelines, make it easier for family members to understand.


Experience in the palliative care outpatient clinic allows residents to become familiar with the routines of healthcare professionals beyond curative treatments. The activities carried out enhance communication skills, which are essential in oncology, especially in cases with uncertain or poor prognosis that require active listening and an effective approach. Tools for delivering bad news prepare both professionals and patients, highlighting the importance of a future care plan that prioritizes quality of life and compassionate support.

Palavras Chave

Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing; Oncology Nursing;


9.Outros (Temas não mencionados acima, Relatos de Casos e Revisão de literatura)


Paula Pinto Monezzi, MARIA EDUARDA HAMES, Marina Rosa Dias de Miranda, Nathália Luiza Matias Leite, Sabrina de Lucas Ramos Necy