A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


Diagnosis and treatment of childhood leukemia: development of a playful instrument to aid understanding among patients and family members


Childhood cancer, which affects individuals aged 0 to 19, is a rare disease when compared to adult cancers.
Leukemia, a type of childhood cancer, occurs when the bone marrow begins to produce cells in an uncontrolled manner.
Communication during pediatric oncology treatment is essential and should be centered on the patient and family, considering their specific needs. Humanized communication helps families process the diagnosis and prepare for treatment. Playfulness not only aids cognitive development, but also promotes emotional well-being, helping children deal with the challenges of cancer treatment.


Objective: to produce playful material to explain the diagnosis and treatment of leukemia to patients affected by the disease.


The creation of the book involved the conception and writing of a story centered on a little monster who discovers he has cancer, allowing us to explore the journey of treatment and discovery of the disease in a symbolic and metaphorical way. The writing required not only creativity, but also empathy and a deep understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by these young patients. The visual creation process for the book involved the collaboration of a designer/artist, who, based on the story conceived by the author, developed a visual structure aligned with the essence and intention of the text.
The project was submitted and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Antônio Prudente Foundation, with process number 6,139,348, as required by CNS Resolution No. 466 of 2012.


The perception of the parents or guardians regarding the book was assessed using a specific questionnaire. None of the questions resulted in completely negative perceptions ("not at all" or "a little"), although some questions generated intermediate responses ("more or less"). About five of the parents or guardians reported an intermediate perception regarding their enjoyment of the story, two reported that it was easy to read and helped them understand leukemia, and three reported that it made it easier to talk to the child. Most responses indicated a positive perception, with praise for the cover, graphics, story, and characters in the book.Regarding the children's perception, seven of them participated in the assessment, with five being between six and ten years old. Three children did not answer the questionnaire because they were involved in other recreational activities after reading. The responses collected indicated that all of the children had a positive perception of the book, with no records of negative or intermediate responses.


The objectives of the study were fully achieved. The book, with colorful characters and an engaging narrative, balanced the seriousness of cancer with an accessible and comforting approach. It filled a gap in the literature, demystifying the disease in a playful way. Despite the limitations of the study, such as the small sample size and the lack of feedback from health professionals, the results were positive. Children and parents/guardians showed a favorable perception, highlighting the potential of the book as an informative and emotional support resource in pediatric hospital settings.

Financiador do resumo

Own financing

Palavras Chave

Childhood cancer; Childhood leukemia; Humanized communication


