A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


Financial toxicity and the treatment of head and neck cancer in Brazil: an analysis of the database of the International Consortium on Head and Neck Cancer Genetic Epidemiology - InterCHANGE


Financial toxicity (FT) is the term used to describe the objective economic burden and subjective suffering experienced by patients and their families, resulting from the negative impact of the cost of diagnosing and treating cancer. Cancer is one of the most expensive medical conditions and the increase in the number of diagnosed cases, associated with the progressive increase in treatment costs, are causing growing concern about the impact of FT on patient quality of life and treatment outcomes.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate financial toxicity through a Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) in patients who have undergone head and neck cancer treatment and to associate the total score with the sociodemographic and clinical profile.


This is a cross-sectional study that will be carry out from January 2024 to January 2027 in three different Brazilian institutions with data from patients with primary diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx and larynx, confirmed by histopathological exam. Financial toxicity will be measured through the application of an instrument validated in Brazil - the FACIT-COST questionnaire - in a cohort of head and neck cancer survivors, who are part of the InterCHANGE/headspace projects.We aimed to obtain an objective measurement of the degree of financial toxicity as well as the main factors related to it, such as type of treatment, tumor stage, income, among others.
In addition the results of this research will help in the identification of financial toxicity as an adverse event in head and neck cancer treatment. These results have the potential to support public policy and health professionals to better understand patient's risk, influencing treatment decisions to minimize the financial toxicity on patients and, consequently, their health outcomes.


We aimed to obtain an objective measurement of the degree of financial toxicity as well as the main factors related to it, such as type of treatment, tumor stage, income, among others.
In addition the results of this research will help in the identification of financial toxicity as an adverse event in head and neck cancer treatment. These results have the potential to support public policy and health professionals to better understand patient's risk, influencing treatment decisions to minimize the financial toxicity on patients and, consequently, their health outcomes.


The study is under ethical committee evaluation .

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Palavras Chave

Head and Neck Cancer; financial burden; financial toxicity


4.Epidemiologia e Prevenção
