A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


Integration of the Nursing Team in a Reference Center for Cutaneous Tumors


At the Cutaneous Tumor Reference Center (RC), all professionals follow the principle of comprehensiveness to offer excellence in care for cancer patients. In this context, the nurse navigator (NN) and the research nurse (RN), although they work in different areas, both collaborate in an integrated way, ensuring the best care and experience for patients.


To describe and emphasize the importance of integration between nursing teams in a RC specialized in Cutaneous Tumors, highlighting how this collaboration contributes to improving patient care and the efficiency of clinical and research processes.


Descriptive study, experience report type carried out in an Oncology Center in the city of São Paulo.


The RN manages the studies and promotes care for the research participant, incorporating the nursing process into comprehensive care, ensuring regulatory compliance, ethics and good clinical practice at all stages of the studies, while the NN acts as a facilitator in care, minimizing obstacles and leading patients with complex diagnoses, coordinating their treatment journey. Cooperation and assertive communication in attracting eligible cases are fundamental and are related to active search, monitoring and tracking, ensuring that patient referral is efficient and coordinated between all parties. RN and NN promote the integration of sectors, improving the quality of patient care in the context of a RC. This emphasizes the importance of these professionals working together to advance oncology.


The second international patient safety goal refers to the importance of effective communication between healthcare professionals, which is fundamental across the entire line of care. In this context, the need for adherence to this integration model among all teams involved in patient care is evident, facilitating protocol adherence and ensuring a successful patient journey management in the Reference Center.

Palavras Chave

Research nurse; Patient navigation; Oncology Nursing


3.Enfermagem Oncológica


JESSICA CHICONI DE ANDRADE SILVA, Fernanda Araújo Pintor, Larissa de Melo Kuil, Luciana Facure Moredo