A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


A walking guide as an ally in the rehabilitation of cancer patients undergoing thoracic and abdominal surgery


Considered a fundamental resource in the postoperative rehabilitation of cancer patients undergoing thoracic and abdominal surgery, walking is a strong ally in reestablishing the individual's functionality prior to hospitalization, in addition to contributing to positive results in the post-surgical context.


To create a walking guide for cancer patients undergoing thoracic and abdominal surgery in the hospital environment.


Through the inclusion of clinical trials, systematic reviews, cohort, guidelines from the Pubmed, PEDro and Scielo databases, a literature review was carried out in order to answer the PICOT question “Does walking influence the recovery of hospitalized cancer patients with abdominal and chest cancer?”, excluding studies that did not describe the walking intervention. No data or language limits were used.


1189 potential articles for the study were found in the literature. In the end, 6 articles were selected to support the preparation of the walking guide. The safety criteria defined for the patient to walk were: pain, level of tiredness and presence of dizziness, represented as relative and absolute contraindications. In the walking guide developed, patients are encouraged to walk at least three times a day for 6 to 15 minutes, varying the intensity according to the level of perceived exertion. For better understanding, we divided it into three levels depending on self-perception of tiredness, level 1 being: fastest speed that the patient can manage, maintaining the comfort zone; level 2: moderate speed, maintaining a BORG 5; level 3: fast speed, without exceeding a BORG 6. The minimum walking time and frequency were defined only to guide the patient, and can be exceeded, as long as the patient respects the suggested safety criteria.


Hospitalization tends to increase bed rest time, directly affecting the functionality of patients regardless of age group and generating a negative impact on post-surgical outcomes, thus, based on the literature review, an educational material was designed and structured with information on benefits and safety criteria for walking in a hospital environment for cancer patients undergoing thoracic and abdominal surgery.

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Palavras Chave

Walking; Hospitalization; Neoplasms


9.Outros (Temas não mencionados acima, Relatos de Casos e Revisão de literatura)


LYNCON PAROLINI ROSA, Indiara Soares Oliveira Ferrari , Maria Paula Ribeiro Barbosa , Telma Ribeiro Rodrigues